Thursday, October 11, 2012

Kidney Stone Symptoms

Kidney Stone Symptom


Usually people tend not to realize when the Kidney starts to fail. Even when the Kidney is not functioning at 90% though. When Kidneys start to lose function gradually and has been going on for three months, it can be said that the person is suffering from serious Kidney Stones.
If left untreated, the disease progresses to the stage of Kidney failure. This stage is the most severe. Other causes of Kidney failure are Kidney Stones. Kidney Stones are formed from substances in the urine crystallize. This happens especially when the urine is too concentrated. Kidney Stones can be found in the gastrointestinal tract, but is usually found in the ureter. A symptom of Kidney Stones is as follows:
-          Pain in the bottom of the waist, hips, and genitals (if the stone is in the Kidney).
-          Pain in the abdomen (if the stone is in the ureter and this is the worst).
-          Nausea and vomiting.
-          Heat rises and cold.
-          Urine contains blood or protein.
For you to be alert, this is the other symptoms of Kidney failure.
-           Less urine than usual.
-          Foamy urine and the color changed.
-          Feet, hands, and wrists and feet are swelling caused by water that accumulates and cannot be removed by the Kidneys.
-          Quickly tired due to impurities accumulate in the body (Kidney are unable to remove waste in body).
-          Bad breath, sore waist, and itching in the legs.
-          Frequent nausea, vomiting, and decreased appetite.

Prior to treatment, the doctor will perform a series of tests to analyze Kidney Stones. The tests are as follows.

-          X-rays to determine the circumstances in the bladder, ureter, and the Kidney itself.
-          Ultrasound, a test that uses high frequency waves to detect the presence of Kidney Stones.
-          Scan to determine the size of the Kidney Stones.
-          Check the mineral content of the rock.
-          Checking urine to be known bacteria that cause infections that lead to Kidney Stones.

Kidney disease can be divided into three, namely acute renal disease, chronic Kidney disease, and Kidney disorder or Kidney Stones. In the case of pre-renal disorder caused by an interruption of blood vessels before entering the Kidney, characterized by hypovolemia, hepatorenal syndrome, vascular disorders, and systemic sepsis.

Damage to the Kidney tissue itself is caused by toxins that enter through the mouth and suffered the destruction of muscle tissue. While hemolysis caused by various diseases, such as sickle cell disease and lupus.

Destruction of Kidney tissue which extends also can be caused by an accident, a large puncture wounds, use of statin type drugs, stimulants, and so on. In the earlier stage renal urine will exit hampered by the presence of Kidney Stones, cancer, stones, or blood clot in the urinary tract, and bladder innervation diseases, such as spina bifida.

Unlike a lot of acute glomerulonephritis is caused by SLE, namely streptococcal bacteria and tooth due to a throat infection and so the resulting infection.

To prevent these things, then the toxins should be avoided to prevent damage to the Kidneys, such as herbs or herbal avoid an unknown mechanism.

Treatment is done without consulting a doctor, cancer drugs or chemotherapy, and immunosuppressant’s, as well as other triggers that cause Kidney disease.

In addition, post-renal disorder characterized by abdominal pain and diarrhea, fatigue, weakness, nausea and vomiting, difficulty concentrating, decreased urine production, and edema, as already mentioned above.

Treatment of acute Kidney disease can be done by consulting with experts (nefrologist or urologist) with either primary or secondary recovery, which has been described previously.

Different again with acute Kidney disease that occurs in a matter of days or weeks, chronic Kidney disease have a much longer process. The cause of chronic Kidney disease, including glomerulonephritis, polycystic Kidney, infectious, autoimmune, and so on.

In addition, frequent use without consulting a doctor or drugs acetaminophen, ibuprofen and slimming tea, can also lead to chronic Kidney disease. To measure the health condition of the Kidneys, can be seen in the levels of creatinine, urea, urine protein, HB, and creatinine clearance.

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